Faculty: Higher Polytechnic School

Area: Applied Mathematics

Research group: Nebrija Research Group on Mathematics and its applications

Email: jgoodma1@nebrija.es

Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis Path planning on riemannian manifolds with applications to quadrotor load transportation 2023. Supervised by Dr. Leonardo Jesús Colombo, Dr. Manuel de León Rodríguez.

My research utilizes tools from geometric mechanics, Riemannian geometry, and global analysis to study classes of higher-order variational priniciples and optimal control problems with the aim of finding optimal interpolants that avoid prescribed obstacles in phase space. Such research has numerous applications in motion planning of robotic systems. In my work, I have considered the application of trajectory tracking of quadrotor UAVs transporting a payload via inflexible elastic cables. I also work in the control design of such robotic systems, where in particular I have developed controllers which ensure exponentially stable tracking of arbitrary smooth trajectories which are robust to disturbances and avoid control saturation.