La convergencia mediática y el universo big dataNuevos perfiles profesionales y necesidades formativas en Periodismo
Universidad Nebrija
ISSN: 2695-5725
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Educación en periodismo: Propuestas para incrementar la salud del sistema mediático
Volume: 2
Issue: 22
Pages: 26-42
Type: Article
More publications in: Sphera publica: revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicación
COVID-19's coverage of the health crisis has contributed to the rise of data journalism as a specialisation with new narrative possibilities and employability prospects. In its different aspects, this journalistic modality promotes new professional profiles with a strong technological accent, capable of working in multidisciplinary newsrooms. We wonder whether the university is contributing to the training of journalists who can meet a growing labour demand and face challenges such as disinformation. Our research is based on the RUCT to design a sample of official university degrees, and master's degrees related to data journalism offered in 2022/23 in Spain. The content analysis technique is applied to the websites of the centres and especially to the teaching guides of the related subjects. The results reveal that the number of degrees with training in data journalism is insufficient, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. In the first case, the skills acquired are generic and are acquired in the second cycle. In the second, there is greater specialisation and a practical nature, within an educational offer to which public and private universities contribute equally.