La Inmigración hispanohablante en Españael reto sociolingüístico identitario entre acomodación y mantenimiento de la variedad

  1. María Cecilia Ainciburu
  2. Begoña Martín Alonso
An exploration of socio-cultural and liguistic issues for a sustainable migration in the global north
  1. Carlos Espaliú Berdud (coord.)
  2. María Cecilia Ainciburu
  3. Miguel Ángel Cepillo Galvín
  4. Guiseppe Gangi Guillén
  5. Bega García Viúdez
  6. Jorge Hernando Cuñado
  7. Glorimar Alejandra León Silva
  8. Manuel Marín Gastón
  9. Begoña Martín Alonso
  10. Susana Martín Leralta
  11. Isabella Petroz
  12. Mónica Pucci Rey
  13. Jordi Regí Rodríguez
  14. Juan Carlos Sainz Borgo
  15. Siham Zebda

Publisher: Aranzadi ; Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

ISBN: 978-84-9135-116-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 81-107

Type: Book chapter


Spanish-speaking immigration to Spain, the so-called "return migration", is a major sociolinguistic phnomenon. Half of the Spanish-speakers who migrate to Europe come to Spain, which makes the peninsula a privileged destination, because it allows a first entry into Europe without the difficulty of learning a new language and quickly entering the labour market. It could be inferred, in this sense, that they are able to participate in the political, social, economic and cultural life of their new country without too many limits, however, it is essential to investigate the variation in which dialectal difference is rooted as a pragmatic phenomenon and as a sociolinguistic component, related to the identity and subsequent integration of these migrants. The aim of this presentation is to analyse the concepts linked to the processes of accomodation or resistance of the migrant variety of Spanish and to highlight the data present in the empirical research carried out in Spain over the last 30 years. The paper concludes with a synopsis of the opinions that make a linguistic variety speaker has of his or her own and his or her children's process of linguistic change.