Aculturación emocional en hablantes de español como lengua de herenciaadaptación del Emotional Patterns Questionnaire y diseño del Cuestionario de experiencias emocionales

  1. Marta Gallego-García 1
  2. Anna Doquin de Saint-Preux 1
  3. Kris Buyse 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija

    Universidad Nebrija

    Madrid, España


Perspectivas actuales en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas en contextos multiculturales
  1. Planelles Almeida, Margarita (dir.)
  2. Foucart, Alice (dir.)
  3. Liceras, Juana M. (dir.)

Editorial: Thomson Reuters-Civitas

ISBN: 978-84-1309-932-3 978-84-1309-934-7

Any de publicació: 2020

Pàgines: 193-230

Tipus: Capítol de llibre

DOI: 10.32029/2605-4655.05.01.2020 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR


Emotional experiences are closely related to the cultures towhich we belong and the languages we speak. As a result of migrations, when people and groups with different cultures and languages come into contact with each other, acculturation processes or adaptation of cultural patterns take place, which are translated, in the case of emotions, in processes of emotional acculturation. In this sense, we wonder how the relationship between the maintenance of the language of origin and the emotional acculturation of Spanish migrants and their descendants, heritagespeakers of Spanish, is in comparison with non-migrant Spanishpeople. To this end we have adapted the Emotional Patterns Questionnaire (De Leersnyder et al., 2011), in several aspects: we have resumed the arousal dimension maintaining the valence dimensions and, in part, social engagement; we have included the study of the rules of expression of emotions in relation to pragmatics, specifically with social distance; and, finally, we have created an equivalent and comparable questionnaire in four languages (Dutch, French, English, and Spanish), taking into accountthe differences between different languages in the values granted in valence and arousal to emotional terms.