La renovación de la metodología en un contexto académico y su traslación educativa a la formación corporativa a través de los MOOC

  1. Villalonga Gómez, Cristina
  2. Nuere Salgado, Leire
La Cuestión Universitaria

ISSN: 1988-236X

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Innovaciones de hoy, inquietudes de siempre en la Universidad española

Issue: 9

Pages: 136-152

Type: Article

More publications in: La Cuestión Universitaria


Higher Education faces the Information and Knowledge Society challenges. The emerge of new training models, such as elearning or blearning, in which technology plays a predominant role, has led Universities to reflect on their teaching methods in virtual and network scenarios. A methodology implies an in-depth and reflective analysis and can even become a distinguishing feature. Universidad Nebrija addressed the design of this educational model with the development of a general methodological framework. For this, a qualitative analysis of all the online and blended programs by data sheets, students´ archetypes, the study of online teaching models and two pilot tests were carried out. Companies that were becoming independent in their training from the HIGHEDs return to look at their educational referents due to an acquisition of competencies in a very agile and efficient way requires a high methodological-technological competence. Customized or readapted initiatives like Udacity or Iversity reveal this. Hence, the next natural step, once the online teaching experience is mastered, is to go deeper into short courses under MOOC´s methodology. Furthermore, Universidad Nebrija, at this first phase, has rescued the leadership role in training. This model achieved allows a methodological university transfer to practical corporate training.