Transformación territorial y transporte de mercancías en la Región Metropolitana de Madridhacia nuevas estrategias de sostenibilidad

  1. Delgado-Jiménez, Alexandra
Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales

ISSN: 1133-4762 2659-3254

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 208

Pages: 353-370

Type: Article

DOI: 10.37230/CYTET.2021.208.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales

Sustainable development goals


Territorial transformations have a singular space of representation in metropolitan areas in the development of their role as spaces of agglomeration, consumption and proximity. This has repercussions on the territorial deployment of a series of infrastructures where those related to freight transport are of interest because of their function. If in the analysis of the Spanish state framework the strong growth of infrastructures is observed that is even greater than the increase in the internal mobility of goods, the Metropolitan Region of Madrid shows a differentiated profile, having increased even more the transport of goods than the land take by artificial surfaces, which has been significant. The decline in rail freight transport compared to road transport is noteworthy, which has an impact on CO2 emissions and makes it necessary to plan new sustainability strategies.

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