La metáfora lingüística en español como lengua extranjera (ELE).Estudio pre-experimental en tres niveles de competencia
Universidad Nebrija
ISSN: 1697-7467
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakia: 27
Orrialdeak: 155-170
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the importance of teaching linguistic metaphors as part of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL), as they are a constituent part of general Spanish vocabulary and help foreigners access the different meanings of that same vocabulary. The theoretical framework is Cognitive Linguistics, specifically the Cognitive Theory of Metaphor of Lakoff and Johnson (1980). A pre-experiment was developed with Slovaks students with different linguistic skill levels (A2, B1 y B2) by relating the number of correct interpretations/creations of somatic metaphors with the treatment and the level of Spanish proficiency of the participants
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