El léxico en L2la adquisición del vocabulario y sus mitos. ¿Existe el vocabulario rentable?

  1. Ainciburu, María Cecilia 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija (España) Universidad de Siena (Italia)
Signos ELE: Revista de Español como Lengua Extranjera

ISSN: 1851-4863

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 8

Type: Article

More publications in: Signos ELE: Revista de Español como Lengua Extranjera


One of the principles of communicative and post-communicative methods of Spanish as a foreign language is that the vocabulary we use as input to our students should be “fruitful”. Before including it in our classroom activities, it is therefore our responsibility as teachers to select the type of lexicon. Afterwards, we push students to its repeated use in order to force its memorization until it forms part of their "automated" expression. The present paper singles out the variables involved in the selection of a fruitful vocabulary and shows the processing differences between grammar rules (on which we often spend much time in the classroom) and the governing structure of the lexicon (which, sometimes, we leave to homework). However, do we explain the vocabulary as we do for the grammar? Is it necessary? Is it enough to understand a word in its context? Are the most commonly used words those better remembered? In parallel, we also discuss other principles for lexical selection, attempting to draw a number of useful conclusions for teaching, especially in the case of related languages. Finally, we focus on a series of decisions that teachers must take for improving the acquisition of ELE vocabulary.

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