Adolescentes, smartphones y consumo de audio digital en la era de Spotify
- Luis Miguel Pedrero-Esteban 1
- Andrés Barrios-Rubio 2
- Virginia Medina-Ávila 3
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
- 2 Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogotá
- 3 Universidad Nacional Autónoma
ISSN: 1134-3478
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: Cómo llegar a ser un genio. Aprendizaje personalizado y altas capacidades en la sociedad conectada
Issue: 60
Pages: 103-112
Type: Article
More publications in: Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación
The consolidation of smartphones as dominant devices for access to digital information and entertainment has redefined the processes of production and commercialization of cultural communication industries. The nature of these screens, which prioritize the visual content over the sound, decisively influences distribution strategies in the audio market: radio operators, streaming music platforms and podcast creators need to adapt their value chains to the habits derived from this mediation, especially in the younger audience. This research identifies the practices of mobile use as an audio receiver among adolescents in Colombia, Spain and Mexico –the most representative countries of Spanish-speaking digital sound consumption– based on a descriptive study on a thousand subjects from 13 to 19 years of age. The results confirm the overwhelming dominance in this music menu in the face of low penetration of radio and podcast word content. The selection is based on personal criteria, with little margin for the prescription of family or friends. There is evidence of the roots of individual listening, linked to the brand and the visibility of audio providers, who are obliged to develop diffusion logics based not only on thematic or genre preferences, but also on the user experience.
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