Efectos del entrenamiento integrado en mini-balonmano sobre las habilidades motoras en escolares de 8-12 años
- Alba Camacho-Cardenosa 1
- Marta Camacho-Cardenosa 1
- Adrián González-Custodio 1
- Ismael Martínez-Guardado 1
- Guillermo Olcina 1
- Javier Brazo-Sayavera 2
- 1 Facultad Ciencias del Deporte. Universidad de Extremadura. Cáceres. España
- 2 Instituto Superior de Educación Física. Universidad de la República. Rivera. Uruguay
ISSN: 1885-7019
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 14
Issue: 3
Pages: 131-140
Type: Article
More publications in: E-Balonmano.com: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
The integrated training has been used in handball, mainly combining the work of technical-tactical elements with conditional motor abilities. The aim is to study the effects of integrated training program in mini-handball produce changes on handball specific coordinated motor abilities in categories under 10 years old and under 12 years old. The participants (134) were divided in: U10 (BE; n = 80), male U12 (AM, n = 22) and female U12 (AF, n = 32). Participants performed 54 mini-handball training sessions, where the learning of technical-tactical elements was integrated with specific coordinated motor abilities. Before and after, accuracy, ball velocity and ball handling were evaluated by 5 different tests. Statistically significant differences were observed in the BE group in the accuracy from 7m (P = 0.003), accuracy from 9m. (P = 0.027), 20m run with ball (P = 0.002), dribbling (P <0.000) and ball handling (P = 0.001). Both groups U12 obtained statistically significant improvements in the 20m run (AF: P = 0.043; AM: P = 0.013). In addition, the AM group achieved statistically significant improvements in the ball handling test (P = 0.028). In conclusion, improvements with high percentages of change, were found in coordinated motor abilities of accuracy, speed with ball and ball handling.
Funding information
Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado gracias al grupo de investigación GAEDAF, Grupo de Avances en Entrenamiento Deportivo y Acondicionamiento Físico de la Universidad de Extremadura, financiado con la subvención [GR15020].Funders
Universidad de Extremadura
- GR15020
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