Most challenging types of offline inferences for Chinese migrants when reading public notices in Spanish

  1. Irene Capa García 1
  2. Susana Martín Leralta 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija

    Universidad Nebrija

    Madrid, España


Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration

ISSN: 1889-5425 2660-7166

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Ausgabe: 1

Nummer: 16

Seiten: 103-125

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration


Written discourse comprehension implies a complex inferential function. In this study, we analyse those inferences taking place afterreading (so-called offline), known to be elaborative and complementary. Following a non-probabilistic convenience sampling, we carried out a qualitative, descriptive study with 30 Sino-speaking adultmigrants living in Madrid. The POEM test (Ureña, Flores & MartínLeralta, under review) divided them in 3 equitative groups of initial,intermediate and advanced level. The objective was to identify the type of offline inferences most challenging for the participants when reading public notices in Spanish L2. The frequency of appearancein daily life of those notices and the level of proficiency were also analysed. Experts in inferences and in Spanish as a migration language validated the reading test. Results showed some relevant features of this reading profile and its didactic consequences to train the inferential skill.

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