Integración de la metodología docente de la simulación clínica en el currículum del grado de enfermería

  1. Alejandro Martínez Arce 1
  2. Marta Araujo Blesa 1
  3. Alberto Tovar Reinoso 1
  4. Paloma Rodríguez Gómez 1
  5. Esperanza Vélez Vélez 1
  6. Eva García-Carpintero Blas 1
  1. 1 Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Fundación Jiménez Díaz – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz (Madrid, España)
Enfermería Docente

ISSN: 2386-8678

Ano de publicación: 2021

Páxinas: 17-22

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Enfermería Docente


Clinical simulation is a teaching tool that is progressively incorporated both in hospitals and clinics, as well as in the education of the theoretical-practical degree in the universities of our country to respond to a complex health care and more focused on the safety of the patient. patient and student needs. Using advanced simulators or actors and a methodology focused on emotional learning, it is intended to recreate situations that allow the student to practice in an environment like the real one, with on-demand training, focused on their individual skills and in a totally safe and secure environment. checked. Development: From the academic year 2018-2019, the Jiménez Díaz- UAM nursing school set itself the objective of incorporating this methodology into the curriculum of the faculty degree, currently it is integrated into the four academic courses. This integration has involved a methodological design work, teacher training in this new methodology and adaptation of physical spaces in the school to simulate real patient care spaces. In addition, this last year a simulation skills assessment test has been carried out, where 70 basic skills of the final year students have been assessed. Conclusions: Simulation is an effective methodology both at a formative and evaluative level that, like other methods, requires adequate planning and training of teachers to achieve maximum performance in the training of students