Degree of multilingual engagement modulates resting state oscillatory activity across the lifespan

  1. Voits, T.
  2. DeLuca, V.
  3. Hao, J.
  4. Elin, K.
  5. Abutalebi, J.
  6. Duñabeitia, J.A.
  7. Berglund, G.
  8. Gabrielsen, A.
  9. Rook, J.
  10. Thomsen, H.
  11. Waagen, P.
  12. Rothman, J.
Neurobiology of Aging

ISSN: 1558-1497 0197-4580

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 140

Pages: 70-80

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.NEUROBIOLAGING.2024.04.009 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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