Análisis de la discriminación por perfilado lingüístico durante la atención telefónica para acceder a la vivienda de alquiler en España
- Méndez Santos, María del Carmen 1
- Carofiglio, Francesca
- Casal Cutillas, Claudia 1
- Dimari, Efihia 2
- Duñabeitia Landaburu, Jon Andoni 3
- Espiritusanto, Lisandra 4
- Khiari, Amina 1
- Pölkki, Emma 5
- Komura, Miyuna 6
Universitat d'Alacant
- 2 Technische Hochschule Köln
Universidad Nebrija
Ithaca College
University of Turku
Kanda University of International Studies
ISSN: 2695-6349
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 4
Pages: 121-147
Type: Article
More publications in: Biblioteca de Babel: revista de filología hispánica
This study seeks to determine whether there is linguistic discrimination against individuals perceived as foreigners by profiling their way of speaking when calling to rental flats. Previous works suggest that this is possible and occurs in other countries. Our research is based on phone calls to 288 rental ads in 3 cities with high migration or tourism numbers and 3 other cities with the opposite profile. A homogeneous role was drawn, and all the callers performed it to avoid social distractors. In total, 8 potential candidates made 36 calls each. Two of them were of Spanish origin and spoke a peninsular variety, and another was of Dominican origin. In this case, we wanted to compare the difference between communicative success between different varieties of Spanish. We also wanted to contrast the native/non-native effect and different types of nationalities, so the rest of the callers were of Arab, Japanese, Finnish, German and Italian origin. The results show that there is no difference between native Spanish speakers of different varieties when it comes to accessing opportunities to visit a flat. Neither are statistical differences found for speakers of European origin. However, the Arabic-speaking and Japanese callers had fewer opportunities to see the flats and, also, worse quality of service on the calls.
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