Smart tourism and smart citiesdigitization and mapping of Ciutat Vella land-use plan in Barcelona and Madrid Cycle Track initiative as tools for decision-making

  1. Alexandra Delgado-Jiménez
Transitioning towards the future of tourism destinations: resilient, smart, and green development
  1. Femenia-Serra, Francisco (coord.)
  2. Alzua Sorzabal, Aurkene (coord.)
  3. Xiang, Zheng (coord.)

Editorial: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi ; Civitas

ISBN: 978-84-1125-632-2

Año de publicación: 2022

Páginas: 271-304

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The design of smart tourism destinations and smart citieshas been developed extensively but often not in an integrated manner. Tourism is an added value for cities, but the excessive success of a tourist destination or the lack of clear information for a sustainable mobility can lead to overcrowding of the destination with damage to coexistence or loss of opportunities for a better integration of flows. To this goal of smart tourism destination and city, digitization andmapping through displayed Big Data are key tools for decision-making. This involves the transformation of historical regulations such as urban planning as well as the emergence of collaborative platforms to promote smart tourism and cities.Two case studies are chosen as complementary references of theSpanish planning that address problems internationally representative as tourism pressure and soft mobility. Both seek to promote smart cities and tourism using tools that are totally different in their building and use, but they are considered best practices and share recognition for their innovative approach. These are Ciutat Vella land-use plan, in Barcelona, dealing with a historic centre overcrowded by touristic pressure and Madrid Cycle Track an initiative created with the aim of visualizing and analyzing the collective cyclists’ track.