La migración venezolana en Españaprotección internacional, inclusión social y errores de la administración general del Estado

  1. Giuseppe Gangi Guillén
An exploration of socio-cultural and liguistic issues for a sustainable migration in the global north
  1. Carlos Espaliú Berdud (coord.)
  2. María Cecilia Ainciburu
  3. Miguel Ángel Cepillo Galvín
  4. Guiseppe Gangi Guillén
  5. Bega García Viúdez
  6. Jorge Hernando Cuñado
  7. Glorimar Alejandra León Silva
  8. Manuel Marín Gastón
  9. Begoña Martín Alonso
  10. Susana Martín Leralta
  11. Isabella Petroz
  12. Mónica Pucci Rey
  13. Jordi Regí Rodríguez
  14. Juan Carlos Sainz Borgo
  15. Siham Zebda

Publisher: Aranzadi ; Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

ISBN: 978-84-9135-116-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 225-241

Type: Book chapter


During the last two decades, Venezuela has transitioned from being an emigrant welcoming country to a emigration-affected country. The opendoor policies of the 20th century, during Venezuela's economic peak, served as a magnet for immigration from Latin American and European countries. Both regions were undergoing economic recovery following World War II, the end of military presidential regimes, internal social conflicts, the Spanish Civil War, and, as Marina Miliani de Mazzei suggests, the political problems in Europe also had an influence.