Lenguaje descriptivo en la expresión oral de emociones en lengua extranjera:estado de la cuestión

  1. Teresa Simón Cabodevilla
  2. Susana Martín Leralta
Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación

ISSN: 1988-8430

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: Emociones y enseñanza de lenguas

Issue: 38

Pages: 71-100

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17398/1988-8430.38.71 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación

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The aim of the present paper is to conduct a review of the previous research focused on the analysis of the verbal expression of emotions in additional languages. Due to the rise that the study in the field of emotions is having in Applied Linguistics since the early 90s of the past century, it is necessary to start with a clarifying analysis of the terminology used in relation to those linguistic elements of different nature that come into play when we communicate our emotions. These elements can be descriptive or expressive depending on if they refer or express emotions. From this clarification we examine different works focused on the analysis of the descriptive language in the oral expression of emotions in an additional language, specifically the ones that address the emotional vocabulary, their dimensions (valence and arousal, among others) and other identified aspects. This outline of the state of art intend to favour the interpretation of the findings in the field of study, identify the future lines of research and highlight some of the effects for the teaching of additional languages.

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