Study on the impact of artists' mobility in european citiesthe CreArt Project

  1. Rubio Aróstegui, Juan Arturo
  2. Pérez Ibáñez, Marta

Editorial: CreArt Project : Network of Cities for Artistic Creation

ISBN: 978-84-16678-70-9

Año de publicación: 2020

Tipo: Libro


This project aims to serve as an accountability tool for the European CreArt Project, financed by the Creative Europe Program. It will evaluate the artistic, social and economic impacts within the framework of an urban cultural policy analysis, in the economic and financial post-crisis context, and due to the exhaustion of Fordist public policies, linked to the Welfare State. The project, focused on the field of visual arts, has the collaboration of a set of medium sized European cities which conform to the paradigm of the creative city that must be analysed in the project, according to the premises included in the project document itself. Beyond the content index, and the initial approach, this study revolves around the following axes of analysis: Contextualize the CreArt project in the debate on the creative city paradigm within the academic field that affects medium-sized cities with special impact; state the impact of the program based on the production of primary data, unlike the previous evaluation carried out by KEA; contextualize the data and the conclusions of the impact of CreArt with the international debate on artistic mobility and other similar studies. The structure of our study has been articulated around two large blocks. In Part One, we have carried out an exhaustive review of the theoretical framework, the theories on the impact of artistic and cultural activities in medium-small size cities, of the conceptual evolution of creative cities within the debate on the development of cultural policies in the European sphere, and we have contextualized the CreArt project and the development of the participating cities within the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor. Part Two has been dedicated to analyse the reports and documents provided by the city coordinators: We initially expected to collect data and reports from the twelve cities involved, but finally Lecce and Katowice had to be extracted from our study since they have not accomplished any activity from the CreArt programme during the period 2018-2019. Therefore, our research will focus on Aveiro, Clermont-Ferrand, Genoa, Kaunas, Liverpool, Lublin, Rouen, Skopje, Valladolid and Zagreb.