Tendencias laborales y el futuro del trabajo por medio de la robotización, digitalización e inteligencia artificial en España

  1. Azpiazu Arrieta, Garazi 1
  2. Bayón Pérez, Jessica
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija, España
Revista Razón Crítica

ISSN: 2539-5300 2500-7807

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 12

Type: Article

DOI: 10.21789/25007807.1805 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Razón Crítica


Technological disruption has become one of the key elements of the 21st century, being present in new electronic or technological devices that, with their characteristics, compete in the market. This phenomenon is called the “electronic revolution” and has even been recognized as a true industrial revolution that generates progress and socioeconomic development through artificial intelligence. The methodology to develop this article has been a legal-projective approach, which consists of making future projections about a legal institution based on current ideas (Universidad de Nebrija, 2020). This method is supported by a theoretical-empirical or sociological modality, considering that in addition to the legal labor discipline we create an ethical, social and human vision that grants the research a qualitative nature. Besides, to obtain a deeper and more precise understanding of the Spanish situation, this work takes into account comparisons offered by the European Union (eu), an organization that keeps close tights with other countries, including Japan, which is essential to visualize the position of the country with respect to other nations. The results obtained by the eu have provided valuable information to build a future strategy to reorganize the objectives set by Spain, where an urgent projection into the future and the creation of reliable tools in the process of advancement, without leaving humanity aside, becomes necessary.

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