El teletrabajo: avances y retos dentro de la sociedad actual

  1. Jessica BAYÓN PÉREZ 1
  2. Anna ZERBI 2
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija (España)
  2. 2 Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italia)
Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo

ISSN: 2282-2313

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Ausgabe: 8

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 183-207

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo


Teleworking is presented in the development of professional workplaces, at the conceptual level, origin, need, causes, evolution and what practical implications it has. The study was carried out as a descriptive investigation, based on the positivist research paradigm, supported by field work. The median companies with more than 10 workers, approximately 2,900,000, were taken as a population, with active staff (3,103,720), employers with less than 10 workers, for a total of 2,000,000. The survey was applied as a technique for data collection, by means of an interview script directed to the company and one questionnaire directed to the personnel, applying dichotomous questions, both instruments validated by the judgment of experts. Its reliability was determined by means of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The results were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, reaching the conclusion that there are tangible elements in the analysis, taking into account the new challenges that teleworking has