Time devoted by the elderly to the Internet: Influence of personal and family variables in Mexico and Chile

  1. Campaña, Juan Carlos
  2. Ortega, Raquel
Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Year of publication: 2020

Type: Working paper


In the context of a growing interest by older individuals in Internet activities, we provide evidence from two OECD countries in Latin America, Mexico and Chile. Using Time Use Surveys, we find, in both countries, that men and women with a university education devote more time to internet activities than those with only a primary education. Furthermore, in Mexico, we observe that women with university education devote less time per week to internet activities than do men with the same level of education. Regarding the presence of children in the household, we observe that, women in Chile devote more time per week to Internet activities than do men, in households with children. Considering that Internet use reduces the isolation or exclusion of individuals in specific socio-economic groups, and, consequently increases the quality of life, the results shown in this paper can be useful in terms of public policy.