La demanda de alojamientos en las zonas turísticas.

  1. Figuerola Palomo, Manuel
  2. Coya Sanz, Miguel
Estudios Turísticos

ISSN: 0423-5037 3020-6723

Year of publication: 1971

Issue: 30

Pages: 27-60

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios Turísticos


The présent work studies the distribution of the touristic demand after the types of hotel lodgings and its categories and according to the geographical zones of the arrival of travellers. To start with an analysis is made of the current hotel capacity considering its distribution by touristic zones. Right afterwards we find another analysis of the possible umbalanced between the trends of supply and demand. Another point which is the object of the study is that of the distribution by nationalities of the guests in the different hotel categories, thus establising an hypothecal order of tourist selectivity. Last, the trends are established regarding the ocupation of each hotel category. As a whole the présent study offers a series of statistical tabula which are intended to illustrate the reader on a theme which we think has not been given much attention