Desigualdad de ingresos en perspectiva regionalcausas, consecuencias y el impacto de la Gran Recesión
- Castells-Quinana, David 1
- Mínguez, Raúl 2
- Royuela, Vicente 2
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona
- Lucio Fernández, Juan de (coord.)
Publisher: Thomson Reuters-Civitas
ISBN: 9788413085548
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 197-212
Type: Book chapter
In this chapter, we review the causes and consequences of income in equality. We pay special attention to the evolution of inequality at the sub-national level - i.e., within regions, and analyse the impact of the Great Recession. We also review the main theoretical ideas to understand the causes and consequences of inequality, as well as the empirical evidence in this regard. Finally, we provide sorne recent data highlighting the increasing inequality that Spain has experienced in recent years.