El dominio del estrecho en la II Guerra Mundial : la neutralidad española y el espionaje británico
- Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurua Director/a
- Antonio López Vega Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 28 de de març de 2022
- José Luis García Delgado President
- Elena Cristina San Román López Secretari/ària
- Fernando García Sanz Vocal
- Montserrat Huguet Santos Vocal
- Enrique Moradiellos Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
Historiography has tended to overlook the role of intelligence in the events of the 20th century. Due to this, espionage is often included in diplomacy, while, shadow intelligence is just another diplomatic tool for states. As a consequence, the study of espionage allows us to have a more complete vision of a given historical period, revealing aspects that are uncomfortable for official history to acknowledge.Although intelligence is essential for states to anticipate international threats, there has always been a gap in historiography, as historical studies on Intelligence and espionage are scarce, thus, this important area of study in the history of international relations and military history remains partly hidden in the historical discipline. In fact, it is better known in the world of historical novels and fiction than on a factual level, based on historical evidence...