El género como criterio de análisis de las interacciones verbales entre profesorado y alumnado en las clases de educación físicaun estudio en educación secundaria

  1. Pérez Curiel, Ana
  1. Clara López Crespo Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 27

  1. María de los Ángeles López Presidentea
  2. Marisa Santos-Pastor Idazkaria
  3. Carmen Trigueros Cervantes Kidea
  4. Enrique Rivera García Kidea
  5. Teresa Lleixá Arribas Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 555896 DIALNET


ABSTRACT Language or, specifically, linguistic uses and contents, express a way of seeing and understanding how we interpret reality. This way, through language, either conscious or unconsciously, ideologies, values and beliefs are transmitted and reproduced that reveal how we interpret feminine and masculine roles, the acceptance or not of the present stereotypes with respect to what being a man or a woman means, or the assigned value to what is considered befitting of one or other gender. Starting from this premise, this thesis is focused on the study, from the perspective of gender, of the language used during the classes of Physical Education. This thesis approaches the study of the characteristics of verbal interactions present in the communication processes in the classroom regarding the frequency of the verbal intercourses between the teacher and the students, the contexts in which they happen, the leadership of who issue or receive the message, etc. Likewise, the thesis approaches the study of the interactions contents regarding the existence of male chauvinist features, as much regarding the messages that female and male students receive as those they, male and female, convey. In the research, it has been analysed the verbal interactions during the classes of Physical Education dedicated to the educational units of body expression and sports initiation, both curricular contents that, traditionally, have had an unequivocal gender attribution. It has been raised a methodology of interpretive character focused on a case study, a teacher and his students. The data obtained has been analysed using the Nvivo (10 y 11Pro) software. The results referred to the characteristics of verbal interactions reveal a higher participation of female students, as transmitters and receptors of messages. However, this datum shows some nuance when analysed according to the aspects defined by the learning context and the learning units. Among the results obtained referred to the content of the teaching discourse, it should be noted that female students receive more feedback in the sessions of sports initiation, whilst male students receive it in the body expression sessions and, moreover, the typology of it is also different. Regarding the analysis of male chauvinist traits present in the teaching discourse, the results reveal the presence of androcentric uses as the use of the masculine gender as a pretended generic, semantic jumps or male wrong use, etc. In respect of the male chauvinist contents and use, the analysis reveal expressions that imply contempt for the feminine, subordination of woman to man, asymmetric treatments for female students and male students and heteronormativity. KEYWORDS: Gender, Physical Education, Language, Androcentrism, Male chauvinism, Body Expression, Sports Initiation.