La indexación del podcast en las plataformas de audio digitalestrategias y criterios de categorización

  1. Alfredo Arense Gómez
  2. Raúl Terol Bolinches
  3. Pedrero Esteban, Luis Miguel
Textual & Visual Media: revista de la Sociedad Española de Periodística

ISSN: 1889-2515

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 12

Type: Article

More publications in: Textual & Visual Media: revista de la Sociedad Española de Periodística


The exponential global penetration of streaming music platforms –only Spotify accumulated 248 million users in the summer of 2019– has made them one of the most efficient audiodistribution channels for creators and podcast producers. However, given this content does not constitute the essence of their catalogue, its indexing still does not assume a homogeneous classification system according to genres or themes. This article identifies the categorization rules used in the three main aggregators on digital audio market –iTunes, iVoox and Spreaker– and in the streaming music platforms that also distribute that format –Spotify, Soundcloud and Deezer–. The objective is to notice the coincidences and divergences between these taxonomies and to warn their effects for the location and identification by the user, as well as for the impact and podcast marketing, probably the future alternative to lineal radio.