El enfoque cognitivo y el uso de la imagen para la enseñanza de la oposición imperfecto/indefinido en español L2
- Sarah Rubio 1
- Anna Doquin de Saint Preux 2
- 1 Trevor Day School, Nueva York
- 2 Universidad Nebrija, Madrid
ISSN: 1571-4667
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakia: 30
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: redELE: Revista Electrónica de Didáctica ELE
The main objective of this present study is to analyze the effects of a pedagogical intervention based on the principles in Cognitive Grammar and its operational value, and on the use of the images as a metaphorical representation to understand the opposition between the pretérito indefinido and the pretérito imperfecto in Spanish to native English speakers. The activities designed for this study are based on three main conceptual frameworks: In first place, Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, Lakoff and Johnson), the Focus on Form (Michael Long) and the Processing Instruction (Van Patten). The empirical study was conducted on 16 freshmen university students at Molloy College, NY. The results obtained in the experiment reveal important evidence on the effectiveness of the cognitive-operative didactic proposal