La definición del icono urbano y global. Estrategias públicoprivadas para la regeneración del museo "Palazzo della Civiltà italiana" - Roma

  1. Moral-Andrés, Fernando
RA: revista de arquitectura

ISSN: 1138-5596

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Architecture for Museums / Arquitectura para los museos (Pedro Ignacio Alonso Editor invitado / Guest Editor)

Issue: 21

Pages: 138-155

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15581/014.21.138-155 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: RA: revista de arquitectura

Sustainable development goals


The role that historically played certain institutions as effective creators of the cultural city presents a new variant with the configuration of important international business conglomerates. These groups, capable of articulating different socio-economic structures, also produce an architectural reality linked to their needs, from a strictly functional horizon or as representative iconic values. The case of the Palazzo de la Civiltà Italiana, projected by Giovanni Guerrini, Ernesto Lapadula and Mario Romano, and started in 1938, is revealing of this contemporary business paradigm. It was conceived as the emblematic museum of the failed Universal Exposition of Rome, 1942 and has been in a continuous process of programmatic redefinition since those years that saw it stand up and that augured a destination for it as Museo della Civiltà. Different cultural approaches have been filling it but in no case with a relevant repercussion neither for its immediate environment nor for the effective construction of the public city. Currently, after the agreement reached in 2013 between the management company of the property and the FENDI house, its exhibition spaces have been reduced significantly, but it has a new program that has regenerated it as a headquarters building program and as a global icon.

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