Actitudes de los jóvenes hacia las comunidades virtuales y su vínculo con las marcas. Una aproximación a través de los estudiantes universitarios de comunicación y de marketing de la Universidad Nebrija

  1. Rubio-Romero, Juana 1
  2. Barón-Dulce, Gemma 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nebrija

    Universidad Nebrija

    Madrid, España


adComunica: revista científica de estrategias, tendencias e innovación en comunicación

ISSN: 2174-0992

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: El negocio publicitario en el contexto digital

Issue: 18

Pages: 41-62

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6035/587 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: adComunica: revista científica de estrategias, tendencias e innovación en comunicación

Sustainable development goals


Virtual communities are a new way of relationship quite steady for some time, mainly in the social networks. For some this is due to the weakening of the social links in real life; for others, it´s just a newer form of social relationship. In the middle of this controversy, brands have found an opportunity to interact with their users, taking the advantage of the growth of social media, interest of consumers who have become prosumers and also due to the interest of publicity communication in  branded content and the influence marketing. In this context, brands are deploying their strategies in order to create contents to feed their communities, their paid influencers’ communities or their users’ communities. This investigation aims to explore the attitudes and motivations of the young students in communication and marketing courses at Nebrija University towards this way of sociability through virtual communities and how they understand the role of the brands in this context. The applied qualitative methodology is based on discussion groups with young university students related with marketing and communication studies. The results confirm that communal links are truly ingrained into young people but, regarding brand communities, the feeling is not as intense to wake an authentic sense of belonging, commitment, and solidarity with both the embodied brand values and with the people which form this type of virtual community.

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