La construcción de un proceso para la transformación del espacio público:La intervención mural de Boa Mistura en Tetuán, Madrid

  1. Delgado Jiménez, Alexandra
  2. Fernando Moral Andrés
  3. Elena Merino Gómez
Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación

ISSN: 2254-7673

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 13

Pages: 57-82

Type: Article

More publications in: Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación


The public space is the place of representation of the citizens and its form determines the behaviors and social relations that are given within it. This is the starting point of the process of participation that has been developed for the transformation of an area with an internal periphery features in Tetuán, Madrid. Singularization and identity creation have been sought through a mural intervention by the collective Boa Mistura, which has played the role of a mediator between public interests and how to materialize them: a participatory urban art. Space configures the material basis of relationships and their construction in a collective process with agents of different origin and condition (neighbors, children, migrants, etc.) is an example of the current transformation of the public space where we observe the increasing complexity in the process of decision-making

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