MASP, FAU, Sao Paulo 1968Apuntes sobre la definición del espacio del común

Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación

ISSN: 2254-7673

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 11

Pages: 185-198

Type: Article

More publications in: Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación


In 1968 The Art Museum (MASP), of Lina Bo Bardi and the Faculty of Architecture (FAU-USP), of Joao Vilanova Artigas with Carlos Cascaldi were finshed in Sao Paulo. This year is very complex in the political situation of the country. Lina designed an architectural block from a collective conscience and defined a place for any activity of the citizens. This project altered its next space and the ideas about how should be public areas in the city. The building with form of prism of the Faculty of Architecture articulated the new plan of Architecture degree. This educational program defined a cooperative system of vertical and horizontal learning. The interior space of the building is the meeting point and maximum social activity. This place is key in the structure of the whole educational center and in the construction of this engine of social change. Both projects of hard geometries propose an integral construction of the public space that they lead to a social transformation. The first building presents an expansive proposal and the second one is more concentrated. Two objects that created new urban events where the union between the building and its immediate and common context is key to understand it.

Bibliographic References

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  • ARRIBAS PÉREZ, Irma (2012): “Lina Bo Bardi i l´ombra della sera”, UPC, Barcelona.
  • BARDI, Lina Bo (2009): Lina por escrito, COSACNAIFY, Sao Paulo.
  • CARVALHO FERRAZ, Marcelo (coord.) (2008): Lina Bo Bardi, Instituto Lina Bo e P.M. Bardi, Sao Paulo.
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  • SÁNCHEZ LLORENS, Mara (2014): “Espacios imantados”, dpa 30. Arquitectura Paulista, Barcelona.
  • VV.AA (2010a): “Joao Vilanova Artigas”, 2G n.54, Barcelona.
  • VV.AA (2010b): Desvíos de la deriva. Esperiencias, travesías y morfologías, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.
  • WISNIK, Guilherme, (2010): “Vilanova Artigas y la dialéctica de los esfuerzos”, 2G n.54, Barcelona.