Pilotaje de una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza de la oposición pretérito perfecto simple-compuesto a aprendientes italianos de ELE basada en la instrucción de procesamiento y la gramática cognitiva

  1. Nicola Giuliano
  2. Anna Doquin de Saint Preux
MarcoELE: Revista de Didáctica Español Lengua Extranjera

ISSN: 1885-2211

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 22

Type: Article

More publications in: MarcoELE: Revista de Didáctica Español Lengua Extranjera


The aim of this study is to observe the effects that a pedagogical intervention based in Cognitive Grammar and in Processing Instruction can have in teaching the simple-perfect past tense opposition in Spanish language to a group of Italian native students. This study is characterized for including in the framework of close-languages teaching and for using as input as output activities too. A total of 23 Italian native students with a Spanish language basic level participated in this study. After a pretest, participants received cognitive explicit instruction and PI-based tasks. A first postest was administered immediately and a second postest was administered one month later. Results revealed important gains in both comprehension and production tasks and they showed the efficacy of Cognitive Grammar & PI-based pedagogical intervention in short and long terms.

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