Fidelización y satisfacción de mujeres en la atención obstétrica
- María Caballero Galilea 1
- Ricardo Sainz de la Cuesta 2
- Juan Carlos Fernández Gonzalo 1
- Esther Martínez Miguel 1
- Margarita Rubio Alonso 1
Universidad Europea de Madrid
- 2 Hospital Universitario Quirón Salud
ISSN: 1887-2255
Any de publicació: 2020
Número: 28
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Tesela: Revista de la Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería
ustification. The constant decline of birth rate in Spain as well as the new requirements from the obstetrics patients makes it critical to measure the quality indicators in order to analyze the relationship between the loyalty to the hospital and the application of improvement to the processes. Methodology: 178 women were telephone interviewed during the after-delivery period. Two groups of women were comparatively analyzed: those loyal and those not loyal to the hospital. The questionnaire included a requirement for information on the human quality of the services supplied. Results: 76 patients (42,7%) were loyal to our hospital until child birth and 102 (57,3%) were not loyal. The patients that were loyal showed a higher degree of satisfaction with the times proposed for the medical appointments (p<0,0001). 89,9% of them expressed their wish to have more information during the prenatal period. The preparation for childbirth course was not offered to 78,4% of the patients who were not loyal as opposed to 57,9% of the patients who were loyal (p=0,009). A guided hospital visit was not offered to 83,3% of the patients who were not loyal as opposed to 71,1% of the ones who were loyal (p=0,05). In the case of the dossier including prenatal information there was a more significant difference (76,5% vs 42,1%; p<0,001). Conclusion: to adequately convey the prenatal information it is fundamental to achieve patient loyalty.
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