De la radio al audio a la cartala gestión de las plataformas de podcasting en el mercado hispanohablante
- Terol Bolinches, Raúl 1
- Pedrero Esteban, Luis Miguel 2
- Pérez Alaejos, Mónica 3
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Universidad Nebrija
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1137-0734
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Monográfico: Cien años de radio
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Pages: 475-485
Type: Article
More publications in: Historia y comunicación social
A century after its birth, radio is facing a competitive environment for audio listening conditioned by digital consumption devices and habits. In this scenario, the podcast is becoming increasingly relevant in terms of supply and penetration, although its logics are increasingly determined by the economics of the platforms. This research systematizes and compares the management models of 12 independent podcast networks in Spain, Mexico and Argentina, countries where the format has been most consolidated in the Spanish-speaking market. The results reveal significant differences in content cataloging, catalog dissemination tools and financing formulas, where subscription is seen as the most efficient mechanism for the establishment of the sector.
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