Valoración de la composición corporal en jóvenes entrenados y no entrenados

  1. Iglesias Sánchez, Pablo Jesús
  2. Grijota Pérez, Francisco Javier
  3. Crespo Coco, Maria Carmen
  4. Robles Gil, María Concepción
RED: Revista de entrenamiento deportivo = Journal of Sports Training

ISSN: 1133-0619

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Liburukia: 27

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 3-8

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RED: Revista de entrenamiento deportivo = Journal of Sports Training


Adolescents are at increased risk of becoming overweight, which is why the sport has been suggested as an effective means to prevent this problem. The anthropometric characteristics are part of a complex of attributes that relate to the performance and health, participation in competitive sports at an early age has been associated with specific body composition. We chose football, being one of the most popular sports in the world. The objectives of our study were to observe the effects of soccer training on body composition and its relation to the degree of training in young trained. 44 subjects participated in the study, divided into 2 groups: a group of trained (E), consisting of 22 players from youth level with a workout plan 10 hours / week, and a group of untrained (NE), which not perform systematic physical training, both for the last 8 years. Measurements of height, weight, age, skinfold thickness, circumferences and muscle percentages. The results indicate that soccer training can prevent obesity, decreasing the%% fat and increases muscle.

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