Perspectivas actuales de la educación infantil en escuelas multigradoestudio comparado entre México y España

  1. Montserrat Magro Gutiérrez
  2. Silvia Carrascal Domínguez
Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada: RELEC

ISSN: 1853-3744

Year of publication: 2018

Year: 9

Issue: 13

Pages: 134-153

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada: RELEC


Preschool Education (3 to 6 years), that over time has acquired a different conception that has allowed it to be seen as a space of opportunities for the development of the individual in the different formative fields. Consequently, this educational level has gradually undergone constant changes that arise from the need to respond to the processes of transformation that day by day entail. The article begins by addressing the context and actions implemented at the international level related to Early Childhood Education, to then present the most relevant educational political scenarios that have faced the educational level, as well as the progress, difficulties and, where appropriate, needs that still prevail. In order to achieve an effective teaching, which favors the learning of learners, it is necessary to consider the permanent formation of the teacher, from this perspective we analyze the initial and ongoing teacher training processes, as well as the current curriculum in Early Childhood Education that teachers have to Develop in the classrooms of both countries.