Protocolo, comunicación y seguridad en la organización de eventos

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Javier Sierra Sánchez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Francisco García García Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 31 von Januar von 2017

  1. Hipólito Vivar Zurita Präsident/in
  2. Luis Felipe Solano Santos Sekretär/in
  3. Nicolás Grijalba de la Calle Vocal
  4. Miguel Baños González Vocal
  5. Paloma Fernández Fernández Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Events are communication tools used by business entities to report agreements, collaborations and whatever they want to convey. Thus, performing a planning is necessary and essential as its objectives. Thus, performing a planning is necessary and essential as its objectives. The Protocol transmits in his acts the procedure, traditions and customs across his technologies of organization. They are coordinated and plan in advance following the legislative procedures stipulated of self-defence, safety and communication during the pre, during and post event. His organization is expected in time to be designed according to the needs of Communication and Protocol but also the relevant Security. The clear result of appropriate and effective coordination between institutional Protocol and Security planning is public confidence in the projected image. During the events unexpected problems can arise and compromising situations, which, they have to deal with clarity and transparency. The success or failure will depend on how information is transmitted. The communication management planning also needs to anticipate foreseeable risks and threats. Security corresponds to an important and decisive point as they must assess and classify the different hazards depending on the type of event. The venue, access roads, number and type of attendees and participants, weather conditions along social, political or otherwise, which could be decisive for the design of comprehensive security. Because many people congregate events could become target of various external threats. Security and risk management are part of planning the event within the Security plans. These necessarily they include those for self-protection, emergency communication and others deemed appropriate. Globalization, cyberspace, any terrorist, biological, social or political threat by the lack of training and professionalization are common risks that must be provided in any event small. In modern times it must be remembered Security and apply knowledge to provide insurance events and attendees together with sponsors continue to rely on the good judgment and reputation of the organizer. The Protocol puts the actors in the scene pursued following a script, the Security ensures self-protection and defense of goods and people who congregate there. The combination and coordination of these aspects together with the communication strategy will achieve the objective. The combination and coordination of these aspects together with the communication strategy will achieve the objective.