La tertulia como técnica didáctica en ELEIntegración funcional y significativa del Aprendizaje Dialógico en el marco del Trabajo Cooperativo y el Aula Invertida
- María Luisa Regueiro Rodríguez Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 27 March 2023
- Carmen Cazorla Vivas Chair
- Federico Silvagni Secretary
- Ocarina Masid Blanco Committee member
- Antonio Cano Ginés Committee member
- M.ª Azucena Penas Ibáñez Committee member
Type: Thesis
The main objective of the research is to show the integrative, systemic, functional and meaningful potential of the didactic technique (DT) of the Tertulia Literaria, which can become a fundamental tool in the teaching-learning process of ELE/L2; and contribute to the development, both individually and collectively and autonomously, of the student's cognitive skills and communicative competences, especially those related to the variety of texts, both oral and written, of literary and non-literary nature, and of diverse textual typology (narrative, descriptive, dialogic, expository, argumentative). The theoretical study of TD is based on the principles of sociocultural constructivism (Vygotsky, 1934/1995; Ausubel, 1976; Luria, 1985; Bruner, 1988; Lantolf, 2000/2002), systemic didactics (Hellinger; Regueiro Rodríguez, 2014, 2019), methodological approaches such as Dialogical Learning (DL) in the framework of Learning Communities (LC), Cooperative Work (CT), and Inverted Classroom (IA) with the use of a specifically created virtual blog. The theoretical framework presents the most relevant studies and research on the discursive modalities involved in the tertulia in general and as TD. Among others: Bernárdez Sanchís, 1982; Bobes Naves, 1992, Briz Gómez, 2004, De Agreda Coso, 2015,etc., regarding the dialogic text, its characteristics, and as the center of the didactic experience; as TD, Gelz (2008, 2009), Díez-Palomar and Flecha (2010); Flecha (2014),Aguilar Ródenas (2017), Regueiro Rodríguez (2016/2019). The analysis of the bibliography and materials -both the CEFR, the PCIC and the most widely used ELE manuals- show the scarce treatment that tertulia receives, as well as its frequent confusion with debate. This circumstance explains one of the objectives of this study: to investigate the degree of teacher knowledge of both techniques and their specific features...