Mathematical trails with MathCityMap y GeoGebra DiscoveryUna propuesta
- Belén Ariño Morera 1
- Angélica Martínez Zarzuelo 2
- Claudia Lázaro del Pozo 3
- Tomás Recio 4
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad Nebrija
ISSN: 1135-0261
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakien izenburua: Profesor Eugenio Roanes Lozano
Zenbakia: 117
Orrialdeak: 19-37
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Boletín de la Sociedad Puig Adam de profesores de matemáticas
MathCityMap (MCM) is a technoogical tool, available as an app or as a web portal, facilitating both the creation and the journey through a math trail. Geogebra Discovery is an experimental version of the dynamic geometry software Geogebra, featuring extended automatic reasoning tools for geometric statements. In this paper we suggest and illustrate the potential advantages of merging both tools, that is, of using GeoGebra/GeoGebra Discovery to expolore posed mathematical queries involving symbolic questions along a MathCityMap math walk that is being followed through the samartphone MCM app. Thus, for addressing a particular MCM task, we propose starting by taking with the smarphone a photo of the involved object, and then placing the photo on the graphic window of the GeoGebra/GeoGebra Discovery app/web on the same smartphone. In this way, the answer to the MCM posed task could be addressed with the concourse of the automated reasoning features of GeoGebra/GeoGebra Discovery over the captured image. We conclude arguing about the potential advantages of this proposal, and about the need to experiment and evaluate its perfomance (and consequences, for example, concerning the design of MCM tasks of a certain kind) with different types of MathCityMap users (students, general public,etc.).