Redes sociales y smartphones como recursos para la enseñanzapercepción del profesorado en España
- Francisco Javier Lena-Acebo
- Ana Pérez-Escoda
- Rosa García-Ruiz
- Manuel Fandos-Igado
ISSN: 1133-8482
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 66
Pages: 239-270
Type: Article
More publications in: Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación
New learning environments and social media have taken a step forward with their use in the classroom, even becoming an important reinforcement for education during the unprecedented situation caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Teacher’s actions and perceptions in this regard have been essential for a quick response in a global lockdown, in which mobile technologies played an essential role. This study presents a descriptive and correlational study with two main objectives: firstly, to discover the accessibility and self-directed use of social networks, and secondly, to describe the perceived utility of SMD (smart mobile devices) and SNS (social network sites) for Spanish teachers. With a quantitative and qualitative methodological approach, correlations between established variables were analysed in a sample of 2,048 Spanish teachers. The results, firstly, highlight the absence of differences in terms of age and gender, thus demonstrating their maximum penetration among teachers; and secondly, demonstrate the relationship between frequency of use and positive perception towards relevance in pedagogical activity. The conclusions, addressed from the qualitative approach, show interesting issues pointing to a lack ofknowledge, sense of responsibility, and risks associated, when teachers express their perceptions regarding the use of SMD and SNS in pedagogical integration.
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